When it comes to your credit, even the smallest mistake can come back to bite you in the future. To make matters worse, if you’re like most with damaged credit it isn’t due to one late payment. More than likely you’ve taken a slide down the slippery slope and had one late payment lead to another on one card, and a collection account on another, and so on. Debt management can be quite difficult once that first payment is missed, you end up feeling like you’re playing catch up and can’t quite ever catch your breath. Credit repair is the first step to picking yourself back up to stop hiding from collection calls or nasty letters in the mail.
Credit repair can’t erase your credit history. If anyone or company ever tells you that they are able to “make your bad credit disappear”, they are lying or doing something very illegal. The reality is, is that your credit mistakes will always appear on your credit, but what credit repair does is diminish the impact of those negative aspects. There are three essential steps to credit repair:
1. Clean up misreported, fraudulent or inaccurate information
2. Organize your payment schedules and monthly cash flow to work away at your current debt