What does that Equal Credit Opportunity Logo Really Mean?

Think of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) as a sort of a civil rights act for credit. Creditors are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or because you receive public assistance. This means they are not able to deny, grant or provide different terms based upon those factors. You probably have noticed that various applications may ask these types of questions, but they are not allowed to make a credit decision based upon this information; this information is likely used for marketing or other unrelated reasons. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act includes all credit companies including department store cards, mortgage companies, real estate companies, banks, small loan companies and credit unions.

Credit Companies may NOT:


  1309 Hits

Credit Repair; Help is Out There


Credit Repair is not a losing battle. Any and all tactics to improve or repair your score are well worth your time and effort; but there are better ways than others to help best determine where to start and how to best allocate that time and effort to make the most difference.



There are many companies offering to help you repair your credit score and even more willing to take your money and repay you with just about nothing other than a big bill and still just as ugly of credit. It is important to understand that each persons’ credit history is different and if there is a company out there offering a quick and simple ‘one size fits all’ solution it is best to avoid them all together. An individual with a few late credit card payments should have an entirely different repair plan than the one fresh out of bankruptcy, foreclosure, or a short sale or two.



In order to repair credit, it is important to first and most importantly understand credit and how it works! If you’re one of the lucky ones with cash on hand to begin repairing your credit there are still quite a few things you should know before you do so. Simply throwing money at your overdue bills may get the creditors to stop calling, but it will not fix the whole problem and it certainly will not repair your credit. If you’re like most people in need of credit repair, you may just need a clear plan of action and a moment to breathe some fresh air instead of lying helpless under that mountain of overdue notices and stress.



Help really is out there. There are a handful of honest companies out there offering legitimate advice, counseling and education on how to best repair your own individual credit. One of the best ways to find great service and honest results are to ask friends, relatives or reliable individuals if they have any dependable referrals or if they know of a great credit repair companies.


Unfortunately for many, damaged credit can be a touchy subject and friends or family members may not be too willing to discuss such sensitive information. A good way to determine an honest credit repair company is to be sure that all of the information and advice they provide is drawn specifically from your credit report; in other words if they are able to bark our generic answers over the phone without looking at your scenario, hang up. Credit repair can be quite complex, that’s why you are looking for advice now isn’t it? There are no simple answers when it comes to credit, so be ready to face the tough question and don’t be afraid to ask even tougher ones.

Next Step

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  1033 Hits

Credit Repair: How it can help you


When it comes to your credit, even the smallest mistake can come back to bite you in the future. To make matters worse, if you’re like most with damaged credit it isn’t due to one late payment. More than likely you’ve taken a slide down the slippery slope and had one late payment lead to another on one card, and a collection account on another, and so on. Debt management can be quite difficult once that first payment is missed, you end up feeling like you’re playing catch up and can’t quite ever catch your breath. Credit repair is the first step to picking yourself back up to stop hiding from collection calls or nasty letters in the mail.

Credit repair can’t erase your credit history. If anyone or company ever tells you that they are able to “make your bad credit disappear”, they are lying or doing something very illegal. The reality is, is that your credit mistakes will always appear on your credit, but what credit repair does is diminish the impact of those negative aspects. There are three essential steps to credit repair:

1. Clean up misreported, fraudulent or inaccurate information

2. Organize your payment schedules and monthly cash flow to work away at your current debt

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  1938 Hits

Considering being a first time homeowner - Consider all the factors


Imagining grassy lawns, picket fences and friendly neighbors? Dreaming of good schools for your kids and a comfortable home to retire in and pass on to your family? Homeownership is the hallmark of the American dream. Owning your own home can act as a 30-year savings investment plan and provide financial stability for your monthly budget and the foundation for your retirement plan. There really are a myriad of reasons why homeownership massively outweighs renting year to year.

Homeownership does also come with a few realities that dreamers like you don’t consider; which is fair! You don’t know what you don’t know quite yet. Owning your own home comes with a new list of responsibilities that you need to consider before purchasing that home and the maximum end of the amount your lender has approved you for. There are a bunch of new expenses to factor in both monthly and yearly that renters simply don’t have to deal with.

As the ink is still drying on your purchase contract you may be faced with a bunch of expenses you’ll have to dump right away into your new home. Consider the cost of having to replace a dishwasher, a leaky toilet or a bad showerhead. Don’t forget you may need to purchase your own appliances such as a refrigerator, washer, dryer or stove. For bigger repairs like a new air conditioner or a burst water heater you may want to consider purchasing a home warranty policy either through your title company at closing or through another company of your choosing.

That new home have a beautifully sparkling pool and the green lawn you were dreaming of? Well both take consistent effort to keep them as pristine as sale condition! Either plan on spending your weekends out doors or setting aside a couple hundred a month for landscapers and pool maintenance, not to mention higher monthly water bills for both.

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  1213 Hits

Buying A Car? Check Your Credit Score First

Thinking of buying a car?  Check your credit scores first.. 

Do you check your Credit score and credit report before you go shopping for a car? You might find out that it is well worth your while to do so, as some auto dealers are taking advantage of the fact that many consumers do not know their credit scores.

No one likes buying a car; the entire process is awkward and cumbersome. Most items we buy are plainly marked with the price, but with cars, the price is often a mystery. Then you have to haggle with a salesman and hope that you have worked out the best price possible. Having done that, you have to arrange financing. You can often get an acceptable interest rate when financing through the dealer, but some dealers are padding their bottom line by offering loans at higher rates than they otherwise might.

The scam works like this – You negotiate your best price with the dealer and you agree to finance through them. You fill out the credit application and hand it over to the salesman, who has promised you some reasonable Terms. He takes off to process the application and to check your credit report while you have a cup of coffee. He returns a few minutes later, shaking his head. He informs you that your credit score is only 600 and that you will not qualify for the interest rate he offered you. He says that you will have to pay a higher rate. And not knowing any better, you agree.

Had you done your homework by checking your credit score ahead of time, you would have known your actual credit score and you could have pointed out that the salesman’s assessment of your credit score was incorrect. At that point, you could insist upon receiving the more favorable interest rate or threaten to finance elsewhere. This is a common scam that works because most people really do not know their exact credit score.

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  1232 Hits

Bankruptcy Types Explained

In the last post, we talked about how bankruptcy works, in general terms. In this post, we’re going to talk about who can file, why you would want to file, and what types of bankruptcy (chapters) are available.Technically, anyone can file for bankruptcy, but most people who file have far more debt than they can possibly pay. Filing for bankruptcy is not free, and if bankruptcy is not granted by the court, those fees essentially become wasted money. You may be able to find free consultations with bankruptcy lawyers in your area—make use of this service to see if a lawyer thinks you actually have a chance of success in bankruptcy court.

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After bankruptcy you can’t avoid credit forever

Bankruptcy isn’t the final nail in the credit coffin.It is nearly impossible to live without credit or at least an established credit history. Whether you like it or not it, credit will be needed in the future for one thing or another. Those who have filed either a chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy are faced with the difficult task of reestablishing credit after the discharge of their old debt which is certainly more difficult than establishing credit the first time. Both types of bankruptcy will remain on the individual’s credit report for up to ten years and will serve as a huge impairment on anyone’s credit. Before new credit is established out of bankruptcy, people face suspicions by new lenders that they are permanently unable to effectively manage debt and therefore shouldn’t be able to acquire new lines of credit.Of course this is absolutely untrue.

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Additional Protection for Soldiers on Active Duty


Congress passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act several years ago in an attempt to smooth out some problems in the Credit reporting industry. The best known provision of this Act is one that permits Americans to receive a free copy of their credit reports from each of the three main credit bureaus once per year. So far, this provision of the Act has been a success. A lesser-known provision of the legislation is one that is intended to protect active duty military personnel from being victimized by identity theft while they are out of the country.

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5 Ways Poor Credit Scores Costs You Extra Money

Most of us want a good credit report to obtain automobile financing, credit cards, and to purchase a home. But, beyond these consumer loans, your credit report can cost you in everyday living expenses. What you don’t know about your credit could be costing you money. Having a credit card means that you can order tickets, rent a car, and reserve hotel rooms. Besides these conveniences, your credit report can mean that you must pay higher deposits and fees for everyday services.

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5 steps to bankruptcy recovery

In recent posts, we’ve talked about what bankruptcy is, who can file, what kinds of bankruptcy exist, and how one gets started. Now let’s talk about what happens after a bankruptcy. First, the order of the court is executed, whether that involves withholding of pay, liquidation of assets, or some other action. Next, your credit score is impacted.

This impact is likely to be very severe. People who successfully file for bankruptcy will find that a number of things that used to be easy are well beyond their reach: applying for home and car loans, some employment opportunities, and lines of credit with low interest rates or no fees. This can make getting back on your feet something of a challenge. Here are some tips:

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5 Most Common Ways to Hurt your Credit Score

Whether a consumer has an abysmal credit score or a fantastic one, the reduction of overall credit availability over the past few years has raised the standards across the board for credit score requirements. What was once considered a great score now doesn’t seem too great as lenders are requiring even stronger credit histories and in most cases a greater minimum score up about 20-40 points. Not only have minimum scores risen but also the method in which the Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian formulate their FICO scores has changed and continues to change.

There are five ways consumers consistently kill their scores, a few of them most people are unaware are making such a significant impact on their scores.

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  1288 Hits

10 Questions Before Applying for a Secured Credit Card


Secured credit cards are a great way to establish new credit as well as building new credit after a bad run crushed your credit score.Especially after bankruptcy your reestablishment of credit is extremely important to show future lenders you have learned from your mistakes.


1.What exactly is a Secured Credit Card?

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  2514 Hits

10 Simple steps to creating and sticking to a budget


      1.Understanding the Necessity of a Budget

Even the most savvy of spenders need a budget. Keeping on top of your bank account to avoid overdraft fees does not count as a “budget”. Even if you are able to spend your money wisely and keep all of your bills in check, a budget is the necessary first step to establishing a long-term savings plan for those rainy days of even more importantly, retirement.

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10 Credit Myths

As they say, ‘Knowledge is power.’ Many times people either act on false information or fail to act because they didn’t know what could be done to their benefit. This is the case in many areas of life, but on the top of that list is money. And in the money category, you will find lots of misinformation about Credit.

There is so much to talk about on the topic of credit myths that an entire book could be dedicated to it.

Myth #1: I’m a complete financial loser for getting myself into this mess.

Fact: It may be true that you’re responsible for getting into debt, but that doesn’t make you a loser. In fact, it may not be your fault at all. As long as you start working on becoming more knowledgeable when it comes to finances, you will ultimately find success in controlling your debt.

Myth #2: Credit is what got me into this mess.

Fact: Spending is what got you into this mess (debt). Credit was the means to spend. If your problem is spending, then you very well may have spent all your cash. However, credit cards may make it easier to spend.

Myth #3: There’s nothing I can do about it now. My credit is destroyed forever!

Fact: As long as you work, starting today, to rebuild your credit, you’ll eventually get it under control. Rebuilding your credit means: (1) Paying on time; (2) Looking for better credit options; and (3) Learning more about money and credit.

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  1096 Hits

10 Best Tips You Can Use Right Now

We've all heard horror stories about fraud that's committed by someone stealing a name, address, Social  number or . Here are 10 suggestions you can take to help protect yourself.

  1277 Hits

What Is Considered Identity Theft?

Plainly put, Identity Theft is when anyone uses your name, social security number, credit card information or any personally identifying information as their own to commit a crime; including fraud. Identity theft takes many forms in the day and age of technology. It can range anywhere from someone simply verbally pretending to be you all the way to a complete theft of an identity including your social security number and credit history.

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What is the Credit Repair Organizations Act?

The Credit Repair Organizations Act is a relatively new piece of legislature that is intended to protect consumers from predatory practices of companies masquerading as advocates for those struggling with debt.I wouldn’t go as far to officially call these guys con artists, but they absolutely have put an ugly black eye on the credit consulting industry.The prevalence of these detestable organizations called for the Federal Trade Commission to thankfully put into effect the Credit Repair Organizations Act.



What are the rules of the Credit Repair Organizations Act?


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What repossession means for your credit

Car repossession is a real nightmare. No really, it might be worse than you think. It can lead to paranoia, loss of job and sleepless nights. Sounds like one of those bad prescription drug commercials doesn’t it? If you’ve been through repossession you’re probably shaking your head in agreement as you read this right now.

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What you need to know about the Fair Credit Reporting Act

In a perfect world we would all have enough cash on hand to pay for everything we need up front. Obviously this is not reality and in one-way or another we all need credit. Whether it comes to financing a new car, buying a home or even simply having the basic necessities like water and power in your home, businesses will want to pull your credit to evaluated and be sure that you would make for a reliable customer. In the past, a consumer had very little control over how businesses would perceive them based upon their credit scores. Thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act we now have the power to understand, monitor, correct and control our credit information.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
The Fair Credit Reporting Act was passed to even the playing field between creditors and consumers. When consumers accept credit from a business, that consumer is essentially giving the business the power to make or break their credit history and affect all financial avenues of their life. We all make mistakes, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows us to manage and contain these mistakes. There are several different aspects of the Act but most importantly it gives consumers the power to control their financial past and future.

How do I know what information is being reported about me?
As of 2005 you have the ability to pull your credit information once a year at no cost and at no penalty to your credit score. To do this simply visit annualcreditscore.com and answer a few questions to have all of your current credit information displayed. Additionally any time that you apply for new credit or have any company, landlord or anyone else pull your credit report, you have the right to receive a copy of that report at no charge. As of currently a credit history is required to be shared, not a credit score; this you will typically have to pay for.

Is there anything I can do to fix wrong information?
If you receive your credit report and discover inaccurate or fraudulent information, the Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the right to dispute these items. The quickest and most effective way to go about this is to submit a dispute letter to the company reporting the item as well as a letter to each of the three credit bureaus. These days, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion are converting this process to an online system to speed up this process. According to these new laws, your concerns must be acknowledged and researched in a timely manner. Once the company in question acknowledges a mistake be sure to have an official letter on company letterhead sent to you for your records, and be sure to send copies to the three credit bureaus as well.

I made some credit mistakes in the past, will these stick with me forever?
Thankfully no! Every derogatory item has a maximum time it is allowed to appear on your credit report. The lifespan of a 30-day late payment is different from, say, a bankruptcy but they each do have a specific timeline they are able to affect your score. Be sure to check the laws in your state as the timelines differ depending upon where you live. As soon as these derogatory items expire, be sure to have them removed. It’s your right!

Can just anyone look up my information?
Absolutely not. Your information is yours and only you have the right to share it with others. Your credit report will tell you each and every inquiry made on your credit report as each inquiry has the capacity to hurt your score a few points at a time. If you see any suspicious items on there, be sure to inquire as well. The Fair Credit Reporting Act also has given you the right to “opt out” of those obnoxious “pre-approved” credit offers that clog your mailbox.


 Be sure to visit www.ftc.gov/credit for more information on how to protect your credit score and for more information about the timeline for derogatory items on your credit report. Call Praxis Credit Consulting for your free consult go over how this will effect you.

  2518 Hits

DIY Credit Repair vs Professional

When it comes to your credit health, the options for repair are as varied as your financial history itself. This article delves into the intriguing comparison between DIY credit repair and seeking professional assistance. We’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of each approach, guide you through the steps of both paths, and help you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and circumstances.

Understanding the Basics

Before delving into the nitty-gritty, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental concepts. DIY credit repair involves taking matters into your own hands, using resources and knowledge to challenge inaccuracies and improve your credit profile. You will need to become a pro on the details of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. On the other hand, professional credit repair services are offered by experts who navigate the complexities of credit reporting, dispute processes, and negotiations on your behalf.

Pros and Cons of DIY Credit Repair

The allure of DIY credit repair lies in the empowerment it offers. You become the driver of your credit destiny, learning about credit reports, dispute techniques, and building negotiation skills. However, this route demands a lot of time, dedication, and a thorough understanding of the credit system. The how’s & why’s it is reported on your credit report. Missteps could potentially prolong your credit woes.

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